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2x2 Scramble Derby

Derby: "A competition open to contestants of all skills, ages and levels."

Bring a two person team and draw for another two person team to form a four person team to compete in a four person scramble format. Shotgun Tee off is at 9am.

  • When: Every Tuesday with a shotgun start at 9:00.  BEGINS MAY 14th in 2024
  • Format: Bring a partner and draw for another twosome to compete in a four person scramble.  
  • Cost: The cost is $35 (only $20 for Members)  INCLUDES SKINS!
  • Includes: 18 Holes with cart & prize money.
  • Prizes:Closest to pins, 1st, 2nd, Random Draw & other spots based upon participation.
  • Prize Wheel:  Closest to Pin gets opportunity to spin for Prize Wheel for prizes which include: rounds of golf, balls & more based upon participation.
  • Who: Any golfer 18 & Over. Age & gender appropriate tees. 

Monthly Prize Lottery - Depending on PARTICIPATION each month, players will get an allotment of lottery balls.  The more a player participates the more ball in the lottery.  The lottery will be a cash prize.  Amount determined by monthly participation.

Dollar Dogs & Domestics - $2 Hot Dogs & Select Domestic Beers

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Morrison Lake Golf Club
6425 Portland Road
Saranac, MI 48881